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Smiley’s new application
Smiley247365 ⭐OG Supporter Member
3 posts
3 topics
16 days ago

What's your IGN?:Smiley247365

Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?:N/A

What's your Discord Tag?:Smiley247365

How did you learn about the server?: my good friend Grim invited me

Why do you want to become a beta-tester?:I want to become a beta tester because I have been wanting something new and fresh. This server has LOTS of potential and I wish to be there to watch it grow. Becoming a beta tester means I can contribute in a small way! I also think I can give some good ideas and opinions

What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?:I am hoping to see the religious aspects, like the shrine and the spiritual things like spirits/ghosts. I enjoyed the ghost role and thought it was quite a good idea too. I really appreciate how well put together the server is. Another thing I’m interested in was the criminal system and how the police will be. I really hope to join the PD so this will be exciting. I really can’t wait for a change of pace and new things to roleplay in/with. I’d also love to see the dynamics in new characters and with the features its quite exciting, You guys have a lot of features that I can’t wait to see. I wish to fully support this project.
To be honest, I'm just overall really excited for this whole project… I can’t wait!

By applying for this whitelist, you agree to the following:

  • Any of the roleplay carried out during your beta-testing term will not be canon, meaning it will be voided once the server is launched.
  • Any bug or unintended feature you encounter must be reported to a staff member via DMs or via server tickets.
  • Any items and money you obtain during your beta-testing phase will be reset at the end of it. You will be awarded some in-game money for your contributions.
  • You must not share any screenshots containing unreleased content outside of the beta-testing channel. If you'd like to share it, you must first contact a staff member for authorization.
  • If you break any of the aforementioned terms, you will be promptly removed and blacklisted from the beta testing team.

I agree with the terms and conditionsΒ 

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