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Forum Suggestion | UrAJinx
UrAJinx Beta Tester ⭐OG Supporter Member
21 posts
15 topics
15 days ago

Hi hi! I think it would be neat if an automated forum bot were implemented for the website to help newer players. When a new user registers on the forum they would get a message in their inbox with a friendly message including some important resources to help them better understand the website and server. 

Here's an example of what the message could look like:

Title: Welcome to the Yurei Jima RP Forums! 

Greetings UrAJinx, 

Welcome to the Yurei Jima RP forums! The Yurei Jima RP staff are so glad you're here! 

Before you begin there are some important resources to help guide you and have a better understanding! 

To get started we strongly ask that you please read our rules here(a link would go here).


Next, we have some additional resources you can look at to help you even further. 

Want to be informed about any important announcements? Click here(a link would go here).

Are you curious if the server has had any updates recently? Click here(a link would go here).

Want a custom or rank for the server? Click here (a link would go here).

Need to report something? Click here(a link would go here).


Lastly, we strongly encourage you to join our official Discord server which can be found here(a link to the Discord goes here).

If you have any questions or are still confused about anything you can ask for assistance in Discord in the appropriate channel and a staff member will get to you as soon as they can!

We hope you enjoy YRP as much as we do!

- The Yurei Jima Staff Team

This is just a quick rough draft of what the example message could look like to help newer players! Of course, things can be changed to the staff team's liking. I know newer players can get confused or lost sometimes, especially when they join the forums so I believe having something like this could help make it a bit easier and less confusing for them. 

That's all I have for the suggestion! If you have any questions feel free to DM me via Discord. 

x 3
Ruin ⭐OG Supporter Member
4 posts
1 topics
2 days ago

yeah i think thats a great idea dude! would help out newer players with basic faq's and links to direct them to more information!

x 1
