Fruit_Lups's Staff Application
Build Team Application (Architect)
What's your IGN?
What's your Discord Tag?
Do you have any alternative accounts?
I do not.
Do you have any previous experience?
I was build staff on a few servers before! My most recent position was apart of a Steampunk Roleplay server where I did mostly interior decorating and assisted in building a core building within the map. Though my time there was short, many of my buildings and interiors still remain. Another server I was apart of had tasked me with building the environments that were apart of their story. I essentially made the foundations for the programmers to come in and make the battle encounters.
How much experience do you have in using world-edit?
I have a few months worth of experience, but I wouldn't say I am fully proficient. It is a skill I still need work on since for the most part I never really needed it when building unless for the terraforming. I occasionally use videos on youtube to refresh my memory on commands and what I can use it for.
Why are you interested in joining the Build Team?
I am interested in this part of staff because I know I can use my skills to help better the server and player experience. I have worked on a few servers and many players commented on how well I have done along with the staff I worked with.
How did you learn about the server?:
I learned about the server through Khrizantema, a long time friend of mine!
Please attach your portfolio:
Additional Notes:
As a builder I had to always adapt to new building styles, texture packs, and 3D models. I have different streams of experience with different time periods, themes, and more. I am also quick to adapt with any criticism towards my building, so if there is something that needs to be changed or built upon, I am always open to constructive criticism.