What's your IGN?:
What's your Discord Tag?:
Do you have any alternative accounts?:
Do you have any previous experience?:
I've been building for about 7 years, but only seriously built for a project once. Other than that all my experience has come from building for fun, or for small interactions within other servers for money or for other small deals. I have HELPED with building within other servers however excluding the single project mention before I have never played a major part in a server's map.
How much experience do you have in using world-edit?:
Yes, however there's much more I still need to learn with it. I've learnt most the commands needed except for many of the ones used for terrain, like brush or anything like it. I've become used to most the other basic commands though, and have been using them for the past year or so.
Why are you interested in joining the Build Team?:
I've always been really into building and was hoping to find a way to do it in a more major way. Even though I'm generally a very back and forth person with my interests building has always been a big one, and the server looks like it has amazing potential; and I hope to be apart of achieving that potential.
How did you learn about the server?:
Grimoz happened.
Please attach your portfolio (5+ Build references) (Use image-hosting services such as Imgur, Google Drive, etc.):
Additional Notes:
I'm usually a quick learner, and despite it not being showcased too well within the portfolio I can build in multiple styles, I just much prefer building in certain styles for certain buildings; which happen to be the buildings I chose for the portfolio. I've improved a lot since the older builds, but most of the building I did in that time was in places I no longer have access to and don't have any screenshots of.
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