What's your IGN?: JUGGSNAUT
Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?: No
What's your Discord Tag?: reeeeee0t
How did you learn about the server?: Sky bought me the game and asked me to join the server
Why do you want to become a beta-tester?: I want to have a better understanding of the setting to better flesh out the character I will be playing and what better way to do so other than directly interacting with the characters and experiencing the vibe of the world. More importantly, I'd like to finally have a grasp on roleplaying as a whole. Even with my background as a DND player for years, most of my experience lies on the mechanics of 2014 of 5e rather than actual roleplay. In fact, the very reason I am interested in roleplaying was because there was another player who was a role-player for 12 years and hated combat. I wanted to understand why roleplaying is appealing to them and began investing time into it. This is an opportunity to learn that I will grasp. I have also shown some of the members of my writing and from what I heard I believe I can contribute to the server. Here is the exposition for the character I am making as a reference. Bou Man the Bloated Frog - Google Docs and I do plan to finish this once I have gotten enough background information on the lore of the server.
What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?: To delve into the world and truly become a part of it, at least that's what I believe. Making characters that, at the very core, feels real is my primary priority and I'd love to bring them to life in this server. As an example, my character would be hiding within the trees or amidst civilization to spy on people. I could see my character participating in roleplay around the city, tracking people, creatures, and ghosts. As such, confrontation with the stalker would be inevitable, if they found him. Due to the nature of my character, he'd most likely fit within the criminal or the forest faction serving as an informant/investigator but be wary because he is not a social butterfly.
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-I definitely agree-