What's your IGN?: JasonAar
Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?: not at the moment. no.
What's your Discord Tag?: JasonAar
How did you learn about the server?: My good friend Raven. @SillyHols
Why do you want to become a beta-tester?:
I wanna be explorative. I wanna help out whether testing out rp items or normal forms of transportation or even normal commands. Its exciting the thought to be able to test out new things. I'm down to VC if it's simpler. Also if there a cool beta tag sign me ups. I also excited for a new rp server, I'm one of those people who look all over the internet for servers that are good Rp's and I'm happy theres one being created right now and I want to see it grow. Like man I'm excited to rp. I love any type of fresh starts. So thanks for make the world exist!
What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?:
Character Creations, Roleplay Opportunities, one up my decor skills, Have more Roleplaying in different styles. Friends, the exploration, I'm PRAYING theres jobs for a way to earn money whether is school participation or 9 to 5 job.
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