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Khrizanthemums Socials Community Member ⭐OG Supporter Member
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Minecraft: Khrizanthemums
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What's your IGN?:


What's your Discord Tag?:


Do you have any alternative accounts?:

On Minecraft, my alternative account is Ildrei!

Do you have a functioning Microphone:


How old are you?:


Have you worked in teams like this before?:

While I have previously worked in teams for servers before, I have never worked in a media or social team specifically. I am hoping to learn from this experience and have the opportunity to work in the social team so that I may put my passion for art to use. Working in a team to do art honestly sounds very enjoyable to me! I do understand that I will need to work alone at times, and I am also fine with this. To be honest, though, it is the team aspect and the inclusion of art that has me the most enthused!

What role are you applying for? (Editor,Actor,Artist):


Do you have any previous experience?

Previously, I have not worked with any sort of official social team. However, I have taken on requests and commissions in a few different Discord servers; some of which were related to roleplay. I also have been drawing for years now, though I still view myself as having much to learn since the skillsets that can be used in art are numerous and extensive.

Which program do you use to create your projects?:

Clip Studio Paint on the Desktop, Krita for Mobile.

I also use Aseprite for pixel art!

Why are you interested in joining the Socials Team?

I am interested in joining the socials team for many reasons! First, the opportunity to do art in a team with others is extremely appealing to me. Second, ever since I learned about Yurei Jima, I have been hoping for a chance to contribute to the project in some way. At first, I was unsure if there would be an opportunity to do so since I am not the best builder and the ways of Blockbench remain a mystery to me, but I was ecstatic to wake up this morning and see that artists were needed for the Socials team! The team behind Yurei Jima- from what I have seen so far- Is extremely passionate about the project, and I want to be a part of that!

Additionally, the premise of Yurei Jima is one that I am greatly interested in and intrigued by!

How did you learn about the server?:

I learned about the server through Yonio!

What unique contributions can you bring to the server?:

I consider myself to be a highly creative person. Creativity comes in many forms, and no one has the same exact creative ideas or views. I hope that I can bring my own unique perspective and ideas to Yurei Jima while also offering my skills in art! I will also be bringing my passion for creative writing and roleplay, as well as my passion for helping in the  process of fostering welcoming and helpful communities.

Please attach your portfolio:
(Edited as of the 12th of January with more examples)

Additional Notes: If it is allowed, I may edit this with more information/explanations later! I hope that I covered everything now, and I wanted to submit this before I forget what I wanted to say!


What's your IGN?: Khrizanthemums

Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?: Ildrei

What's your Discord Tag?: Khrizantema

How did you learn about the server?: I learned about the server through Yonio!

Why do you want to become a beta-tester?: I would like to become a beta tester on Yurei Jima for a multitude of reasons. I've been an avid roleplayer ever since I was young, and coincidentally had first roleplayed on Minecraft. Though I've roleplayed through other mediums since- such as Discord, D&D, and other games- I've always had a soft spot for Minecraft roleplay as a result. Previously, I had played on many different roleplay servers (Most of which have either since shut down or did not have communities that I felt comfortable in,) and have recently stumbled across Yurei Jima by chance after watching Yonio do some Blockbench modeling for the server in a discord server's VC. I found the concept for the server to be intriguing! I've always been interested in stories and roleplays that involve the supernatural in some way, and I've always had a fascination with the different tales of Yokai. The premise of the server caught my attention immediately after it was explained to me, and I am hoping to be a part of this community and project! Additionally, this server also seems to have a good amount of people that I know from previous servers, and I would love to have the opportunity to roleplay with them once more!

What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?: That's a good question! While I cannot say for sure what I plan to do once the server fully releases, I am hoping to be involved with the community in some way by either simply being an active player or taking on a larger faction role! I am not yet entirely sure of what I will be able to do in the server, but I am very much interested in the supernatural aspect. The hope is that I will be able to contribute to the story of Yurei Jima in a positive and lasting way. (Also, I would definitely like to try being one of those playable Yokai that were mentioned for contributors to the community!)

By applying for this whitelist, you agree to the following:

  • Any of the roleplay carried out during your beta-testing term will not be canon, meaning it will be voided once the server is launched.
  • Any bug or unintended feature you encounter must be reported to a staff member via DMs or via server tickets.
  • Any items and money you obtain during your beta-testing phase will be reset at the end of it. You will be awarded some in-game money for your contributions.
  • You must not share any screenshots containing unreleased content outside of the beta-testing channel. If you'd like to share it, you must first contact a staff member for authorization.
  • If you break any of the aforementioned terms, you will be promptly removed and blacklisted from the beta testing team.

I agree to the before mentioned terms!