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figuerothfaeth ⭐OG Supporter Member
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Minecraft: figuerothfaeth
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What's your IGN?: figuerothfaeth

Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?: spiritmedium + toofasttoosoon

What's your Discord Tag?: sundrysidney

How did you learn about the server?: I learned about the server through hit moderator (and good friend) wesnt!!

Why do you want to become a beta-tester?: I love Minecraft Roleplay servers, and would love to be able to help out through Beta Testing for a server by people that I've met previously as well as being free far too much recently with hardly anything to do about it. It'd be great to have this, as it both let's me help the server in this stage of development, meet some new people - and be able to spend that free time. Finally - I've heard a ton about this server, mostly the builds, which look beautiful - and have drawn me towards wanting to play this server.

What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?: I feel like the thing I'm currently most drawn towards is the Police Faction, mostly because of me being in one in prior servers - which is something I've really enjoyed and had fun with! I'd love to be able to focus in on one of my characters, though - probably coming up with ideas during Beta Testing phase and finally being able to use those ideas within the released server of Yurei Jima. Outside of this, I don't have any additional plans - but I know that I'd be able to develop some!!

By applying for this whitelist, you agree to the following:

  • Any of the roleplay carried out during your beta-testing term will not be canon, meaning it will be voided once the server is launched.
  • Any bug or unintended feature you encounter must be reported to a staff member via DMs or via server tickets.
  • Any items and money you obtain during your beta-testing phase will be reset at the end of it. You will be awarded some in-game money for your contributions.
  • You must not share any screenshots containing unreleased content outside of the beta-testing channel. If you'd like to share it, you must first contact a staff member for authorization.
  • If you break any of the aforementioned terms, you will be promptly removed and blacklisted from the beta testing team.

Of course, I agree to everything listed above.