What's your IGN?:
Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?:
What's your Discord Tag?:
How did you learn about the server?:
Why do you want to become a beta-tester?:
I'm interested in how this server develops, and I want to watch its structure unfold. I have friends in this community and want to spend time with them. Inevitably there will be times when they are on the server and I see that as an opportunity for me to pursue relationships. I am interested in roleplay and development opportunities, but I don't have the capacity for any long-term commitments.
What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?:
A good roleplaying environment that fosters a good community and veers away from favoritism and being unsafe.
By applying for this whitelist, you agree to the following:
I accept these terms and conditions.