What's your IGN?:
Do you have any alternative accounts you'd like to log in as?:
What's your Discord Tag?:
How did you learn about the server?:
Through my friends! (wesnt, xhunnibunx, psychoknot)
Why do you want to become a beta-tester?:
I am very intrigued with this project, and I'd love to help out anyway that I can! I'm relatively new to this server, but hearing what I've heard and whatnot, it really does seem like something I would genuinely enjoy. During my short time talking with the community, I believe it's growing into something that I enjoy being around. It all seems welcoming and I'd love to be a part of it!
What do you expect to do once the server fully releases (faction applications, roleplay opportunities, etc.)?:
That's something for the future! But, if I had to try and point it to an answer, I want to stick around to see where everything takes me, and I'm excited to see. I'm not entirely sure what to expect since so many things can be added overtime, and so many features will be worked on in due time, but from what I've seen so far it's looking really great. I do want to delve back into the hospital side of RP in due time- as it's always been one of my interests. I'm excited to see where things go!
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